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Shape onPC

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SHAPE onPC  allows to plan one or more environments in bidimensional sight ( in plant ) can insert the masonries either those delimitantis that those of inside separation, doors and windows, launchings you furnish as from library of objects.
You can create this way, in simple and intuitive way, the housing space of the Customer. 

This project, memorized in local or sent by e-mail, can be then the base of construction of the plans of laying and the painting/composition that they complete it with the possibility of photo-realistic three-dimensional sights in the program complete  TILECAD© or as base perimeter for projects in TILENet©.

Essential in the use of SHAPE on PocketPC for the passage on PC of the projects created on the palm so that to get their completion, print, etc.


The principal characteristics can reassume this way:

  • Insertion and change half-automatic of the walls.
  • Automatic quotatura.
  • Insertion and change of the openings (doors and windows).
  • Insertion and change of objects of completion and furnishing as from Library.
  • Print and preview of print to video of graphic project. 
  • Complete memorization of the graphic project effected in standard format XLM
  • Zoom. grates and facilitations of visualization.
  • Addition of annotations.
  • Automatic consignment by E-mail.
  • Complete of interactive HELP
  • 6 languages ( Italian, English, German, French , Spanish and Porguguese )

For the release SHAPE on Pda Pocket PC and smartphone in S.O. WIN Mobile :


To use SHAPE on PC download and to launch the automatic setup ( only in English ).  SHAPE on PC  is already anticipated in 6 languages and it is complete of all the procedures and of a library of you furnish 2D of immediateuse.

Complete of help in environment WEB.


    SHAPE onPC - Freeware



The concession and the license of use it foresees the exclusive private use of the program (freeware).

It is not granted unload it, the duplication and the use to firms or to corporate body not concessionaires of the program

TILECAD© , TILENet©  and SHAPE without information and declaration written of OMNI DATA.

For ulterior information and limitations it is begged to read it attentively: